QUIZ Evaluate your knowledge From the following choices, please select which most closely matches your job:(Required) Controller and analyst Health sector employee Management and Administration Information technology Other Do you know how to copy/paste?(Required) Yes No Do you know all of the following functions: TODAY, MONTH, DAY, DATEDIF?(Required) Yes No Do you know all the following functions: EDATE, EOMONTH?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to use $ signs in formulas?(Required) Yes No Do you know the following function: VLOOKUP?(Required) Yes No Do you know all of the following functions: INDEX, MATCH?(Required) Yes No Do you know the following function: XLOOKUP?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to create graphs in Excel?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to create a table from the insert ribbon?(Required) Yes No Do you know about data validations in Excel?(Required) Yes No Do you know about named fields in Excel?(Required) Yes No Do you know the Sumproduct function?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to create a pivot table?(Required) Yes No Are you familiar with segments in Pivot Tables?(Required) Yes No Do you know the following functions: UNIQUE, FILTER and SEQUENCE, included in Excel 365?(Required) Yes No Do you know the Power Query add-in available in Excel?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to download data from an Excel file with Power Query?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to download data with an ODBC connector?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to use Data Models in Power Query?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to transform data in Power Query?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to consolidate data in Power Query?(Required) Yes No Are you familiar with the Power Pivot add-in?(Required) Yes No Are you familiar with the DAX functions of the Power Pivot add-in in Excel?(Required) Yes No Are you familiar with Microsoft Power BI Desktop and Services?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to define roles in Power BI?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to make corporate budgets in Excel?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to make salary budgets in Excel?(Required) Yes No Do you know the macro command recorder in Excel?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to make a VBA function in Excel?(Required) Yes No Do you know how to make a dialog box in Visual Basic in Excel?(Required) Yes No BOOK YOUR TRAINING TODAY ! REGISTER